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Switzerland ranks among the most traveled European countries due to its hotels, diversity of its heritage, its food, chocolates, and of course the Alps. Study abroad programs available in Switzerland, not only provide education and training of an unmatched quality but also give you the opportunity to have wonderful life experiences.

Switzerland has always placed a high value on the delivery of good-quality education and boasts a great many higher education opportunities. Switzerland ranks among the top countries in the field of education, especially in science and technology. The iconic Swiss Alps, cow-dotted pastures and serene blue lakes offer a breathtaking scenic backdrop for academic life. Many higher education institutions are tucked into or near the Alps themselves for easy access to a wondrous view.

The cost of a Swiss education is significantly lower than many of the country’s European counterparts. After completing a degree, students are allowed to remain in the country for 6 months while on the job hunt; a work visa is granted to successful job applicants. While the cost of living in Switzerland is notoriously high, the benefits of studying and working here are big, including higher salaries, a global setting and an exceptional quality of life making it a safe and healthy environment for residents and visitors alike.