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The GRE test(Graduate Record Exam) is the standardized test used to gain admission in various graduate schools or business graduate schools in various English speaking countries, especially the United States. The GRE General Test is offered as a computer-based exam administered at Prometric testing centres throughout the country. GRE has three sections: Verbal Reasoning; Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical Writing. Calculators are allowed. Total test time is 3-hours, not including the research section.

Structure of the Computer-delivered GRE General Test


Number of Questions


Analytical Writing (One section with two separately timed tasks)

One “Analyse an Issue" task

One “Analyse an Argument" task

30 minutes per task

Verbal Reasoning (Two sections)

20 questions per section

30 minutes per section

Quantitative Reasoning (Two sections)

20 questions per section

35 minutes per section

Unscored or Research Section*



*An unidentified unscored section may be included and may appear in any order after the Analytical Writing section. Additionally, an identified research section that is not scored may be included in place of the unscored section, and it is always at the end of the test.

Structure of the Paper-delivered GRE General Test


Number of Questions


Analytical Writing(Two sections)

Section 1: “Analyse an Issue" task

Section 2: “Analyse an Argument" task

30 minutes per section

Verbal Reasoning (Two sections)

25 questions per section

35 minutes per section

Quantitative Reasoning (Two sections)

25 questions per section

40 minutes per section

Apply overseas provides expert GRE coaching in writing / verbal and Quant (Maths) in a way customised to your needs through disciplined classes conducted by highly experienced faculty. We ensure your eligible GRE score to get enrolled in your preferred international education institution abroad.