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The German government has subsidized the education in Germany therefore state-funded institutions charge no tuition fee not only for the native students but also for international students studying in Germany. Hence, every student gets a scholarship in a public-funded institution. However, private institutions charge nominal tuition fee, but they are not as high as compared to fee structure in the USA, UK, Australia or any other preferred study destinations for international students. Despite this, there are several excellent scholarships available for Masters Programmes in Germany. Doctoral degrees are generally fully funded.

We have compiled a list of most renowned scholarships for Indian students to study in Germany. This is in no way an exhaustive list; there are many more scholarships in Germany.

Government – Funded Scholarhips to study in Germany

DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Scholarships

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) undoubtedly offers the most popular scholarships to international students for undergraduate, postgraduate as well as PhD programmes in Germany. DAAD confers outstanding students from developing countries under this scholarship programme. This organisation is responsible for promoting international academic relations mainly through student exchange programmes

Eligibility: DAAD offers numerous scholarships to study and do research projects in Germany. Students of all nationalities are eligible for these scholarships and are selected based on their academic proficiency.

Scholarship Duration and Amount: The DAAD scholarships’ amount and duration vary depending on the institutions and also on the extent of the chosen study programme.

ERASMUS+ (European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) scholarships

Erasmus+ scholarships are one of the premium and largest grants to study in Europe. Nearly € 14.7 billion is invested every year by the European Union for promoting education, sports and character building training among the youth. The complete ERASMUS+ scholarship programme is regulated by the European Commission. More than 4,000 higher education institutions from nearly 37 countries participate as Erasmus + Partner countries.

Eligibility: Students of all nationalities pursuing Erasmus study programme are eligible for these grants and they are selected based on their academic proficiency.

Non-Government Scholarships to study in Germany

Heinrich Böll Scholarships for International Students

Every year the Heinrich Böll Foundation announces around 1,200 scholarships for Bachelors, Masters and PhD programmes in Germany. These scholarships are conferred to international students as per the guidelines issued by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and the Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt).

Eligibility: Both German and international students planning to study Bachelors, Masters or PhD programmes in Germany are eligible for Heinrich Böll Scholarships. The applications for this scholarship are opened twice a year (March and September).

Scholarship Duration and Amount: Eligible student receives € 750 per month for Masters programme and € 1000 per month for the Doctoral programme.

Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers

These fellowships are offered by the Alexander Von Humbolt Foundation to research scholars who have completed their Doctoral studies and are planning to do postdoc in Germany.

Eligibility: The fellowship is open to researchers and students from all nationalities for the Postdoctoral programme. Around 400 – 500 research fellowships are granted every year.

Scholarship Duration and Amount: The fellowship worth € 2,650 per month is granted for a duration of 6 – 24 months. This includes liabilities for monthly expenses, transportation and health insurance.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarships

KAS scholarships are awarded to international scholars aspiring to pursue postgraduate and PhD programmes. The scholarships are available in all disciplines. Awardees can pursue their courses at universities of applied science and technical colleges.

Eligibility: Students of all nationalities having excellent academic achievement are eligible for these scholarships. The upper age limit for applicants is 30 years.

Scholarship Duration and Amount: Postgraduate students receive a monthly stipend of € 850 for 2 years.

Bayer Foundation Scholarships

Bayer Foundation supports students aspiring to study in Germany with five fellowship programmes in biology, medical science, agricultural science, non-academic professions, and chemistry.

Eligibility: Students of all nationalities having outstanding academic achievement are eligible for these scholarships.

Scholarship Duration and Amount: Approximately € 6400 per year up to 2 years after graduation.

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)-German Cancer Research Centre PhD scholarship

The German Cancer Research Centre (DFKZ) offers an opportunity to conduct projects for more than 500 students in biomedical research.

Eligibility: MSc or equivalent degree with minimum required IELTS/TOEFL/PTE test scores.

Scholarship Duration and Amount: Full funding of PhD programme for 3 years.

Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellowship

This programme gives the international students an opportunity to work with high-achieving young researchers in Berlin. It offers them to live in the city of Berlin and granted for a period of up to five years during the active life of the junior research group. During this period, the postdoctoral scholars will be entitled “Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellows”.

Eligibility: PhD degree

Scholarship Duration and Amount: Eligible student receives stipend up to € 20,000 per year to cover material resources.

Marie Skolodowska-curie actions

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) offers four types of scholarships (research networks, individual fellowships, research and innovation staff exchanges, COFUND programmes) for researchers from different academic disciplines to promote research, innovation and to advance partnerships among the leading institutions all over the world.

Eligibility: Students of all nationalities are eligible

Scholarship Duration and Amount: Eligible student receives € 3000 per month plus € 600 per month as transport allowance.

Deutschland Stipendium

The Deutschland Stipendium provides monetary and non-material provision to meritorious students from across the globe. This is an excellent scholarship as it offers the best of both worlds to talented international students. Half of the Deutschland Stipendium is funded by the German government and the other half are contributed by the private organisation and individuals.

Scholarship Amount and Duration: Students receive a scholarship worth € 150 per month, provided by the German government, private organisations or public-private partnership firms. The most proficient student receives an amount of € 300 per month under this scholarship programme. Funding is generally granted for at least two semesters, later it can be extended until completion of studies.

University – Funded Scholarhips to Study in Germany

Jacobs University Scholarships

Jacobs University offers ample merit-based scholarships for international students to study in Germany. Theses scholarships are highly competitive and require a focused application and noteworthy statement of purpose. Applicants are advised to apply as soon as possible during the admissions cycle to increase their chances of fetching a good scholarship.

Scholarship Duration and Amount: This scholarship includes an annual tuition of € 20,000 along with € 6,000 for room and board expenses (covering the 9-month academic year).

AICES scholarships-RWTH Aachen University

The Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES) offers PhD scholarships to outstanding students interested in interdisciplinary research in computational engineering science.

Eligibility: Students of all nationalities

Scholarship Duration and Amount: A monthly stipend of € 2000 is offered to PhD scholars.

You can get an excellent scholarship offered by Universities in Germany that matches your profile and academic performances.