Welcome to Applyoverseas

Business Phone
Contact time

In Person 10:00 to 18:00 Hrs

On Phone : 09:00 to 21:00 Hrs

Location: North Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada

Quick Facts

Ownership / ManagementPublic University 
UG Programs70
PG Programs30
Student Faculty Ratio25:1
CampusNorth Vancouver, British Columbia
Average Class Size20
Average Tuition Fees (UG / PG)CD$ 22000/annum 
Application FeesCD$ 135 
English Language Proficiency


Accepts Duolingo

IntakesJan, May, Sep

Apply to Capilano University – Call 9879578575 / 9979877954 / 7802071947 or Chat on Whats App

Disclaimer:This is general information for reference purpose and may differ than actual. Applicants are requested to contact us before making application


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