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Canada has changed way it select permanent residents

Canada has changed way it select permanent residents


17th Nov 2022


For all three Express Entry programs (Canadian Experience Class, Federal Skilled Worker Program and Federal Skilled Trades Program), requirements will now be updated to align with the new NOC 2021 structure.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will be transitioning to the 2021 version of the National Occupation Classification (NOC) system today, a change that has been in the works since the announcement on July 27.


This is how the skill type categories of the current NOC system match up with the TEER categories of the 2021 NOC system.


NOC 2016 NOC 2021
Skill Type 0 TEER 0
Skill Level A TEER 1
Skill Level B TEER 2
Skill Level B TEER 3
Skill Level C TEER 4
Skill Level D TEER 5


Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities (TEER) system.

 Updated NOC 2021 eligibility criteria for Express Entry


Eligibility criteria Canadian Experience Class Federal Skilled Worker Program Federal Skilled Trades Program
Language skills English or French skills

CLB 7 for TEER 0 or TEER 1 occupations

CLB 5 for TEER 2 or TEER 3 occupations

English or French skills


English or French skills

CLB 5 for speaking and listening

CLB 4 for reading and writing

Type/Level of work experience Canadian work experience in an occupation listed in 1 or more of these NOC TEER Categories:





Work experience in an occupation listed in 1 of these NOC TEER Categories:





Work experience in a skilled trade under key groups of TEER 2 or TEER 3:

Major Group 72, technical trades and transportation officers and controllers, excluding Sub-Major Group 726, transportation officers and controllers

Major Group 73, general trades

Major Group 82, supervisors in natural resources, agriculture and related production

Major Group 83, occupations in natural resources and related production

Major Group 92, processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors, and utilities operators and controllers

Major Group 93, central control and process operators and aircraft assembly assemblers and inspectors, excluding Sub-Major Group 932, aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors

Minor Group 6320, cooks, butchers and bakers

Unit Group 62200, chefs

Amount of work experience One year in Canada in the last 3 years (either combination of full-time or part-time work) One year continuous within the last 10 years (combination of part-time, full-time or more than 1 job in your primary occupation) Two years within last 5 years (either combination of full-time or part-time work)
Job offer Not required. Not required.

But you can get selection criteria (FSW) points for having a valid job offer.


a valid job offer of full-time employment for a total period of at least 1 year or

a certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a Canadian provincial, territorial or federal authority

Education Not required. Secondary education required.

You can get more selection criteria (FSW) points for your post-secondary education.

Not required.

Below are the 16 newly eligible occupations:

  1. Payroll administrators
  2. Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants
  3. Nurse aides, orderlies, and patient service associates
  4. Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
  5. Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
  6. Sheriffs and bailiffs
  7. Correctional service officers
  8. By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
  9. Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
  10. Residential and commercial installers and servicers
  11. Pest controllers and fumigators
  12. Other repairers and servicers
  13. Transport truck drivers
  14. Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  15. Heavy equipment operators
  16. Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors

The 3 newly ineligible occupations are:

  1. Other performers
  2. Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport, and fitness
  3. Tailors, dressmakers, furriers, and milliners

Fill the Attached form to know if you qualify for CANADA PR


Blog Writer

Mr. Jyotirmay Jhaver – CEO Apply Overseas. He can be contacted on 9879578575 or via email info@applyoverseas.in


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